How Long Do Chickens Lay Eggs? What It Means for Planning Your Flock
Just like humans, chickens aren’t fertile forever. And if you’re raising backyard hens, this is crucial information for you. Before you order that first baby chick, you must understand a hen’s lifecycle.
Setting realistic expectations is key. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of having fresh eggs daily. But remember, your hens won’t always lay the same number of eggs. They might. start later and end earlier than you would wish. If you’re assuming you’ll get a certain number of eggs per year, you won’t always. Egg production will peak, taper, and stop, and you’ll still feed that hen. Hard decisions sometimes have to be made.
Keep in mind that your mileage will vary. Some hens lay daily until they die of old age. Some never reach their potential and aren’t great layers even in their peak years. But in general, there are some rules. Here’s what to expect.
Preparing For The First Egg (birth to 5 months)
Now, when it comes to egg-laying, patience is key. You can’t rush nature.
Chickens start laying eggs when they’re about 5 to 6 months old, but this can vary. Some breeds might start a bit earlier or later.
Signs that egg laying is approaching:
- Reddening Combs and Wattles. Their combs and wattles will become larger, brighter, and more red.
- Squatting Behavior. When you or a rooster approach, hens ready to lay will often squat down. This is a sign of sexual maturity and readiness for egg-laying.
- Increased Vocalization. You might notice your hens become more vocal. Any roosters that are the same age will crow.
- Nesting Behavior: Hens nearing egg-laying age will start showing interest in nesting areas. They might spend more time in the nesting boxes. They might be arranging bedding or sitting in them even without laying.
- Change in Pelvic Bones: The bones at the base of their tail will spread apart. You can gently feel this area. If the bones are wider and can usually fit three or more fingers between them, it’s a sign they’re ready to lay.
- Appetite Increase: As they gear up for egg production, their appetite might increase. They need more nutrients to support egg-laying.
It’s chicken puberty. It’s gross.
Very early days of laying (5-6 months old)
The first few eggs are weird. But it all sorts itself out very quickly, within a week or so.
Here’s what you can expect from a hen’s inaugural egg:
- Size and Shape: The first egg is often smaller than later eggs. It might be noticeably smaller than the standard eggs you’re used to seeing. The shape can sometimes be a bit unusual too – not always the perfect oval you might expect.
- Shell Quality: The shell of the first few eggs can vary in quality. Some might have thinner shells or feel a bit more fragile. This is because the hen’s egg-laying system is still fine-tuning itself.
- Yolk-to-White Ratio: The first egg might have a larger yolk-to-white ratio compared to later eggs. It’s not uncommon for the first egg to be mostly yolk.
- Frequency: After laying the first egg, it might take a little time before the hen lays regularly. The first few eggs might be spaced out over several days or even a week.
- Color and Texture: The color and texture will generally be the same as what’s typical for the hen’s breed.
- Occasional Irregularities: Sometimes, the first egg can come out with no shell at all, known as a shell-less egg. This is just a sign that the hen’s reproductive system is still maturing.
- Laying Potential: You can also check on more tips to maximize your hens’ laying potential here.
It’s important to note that these first eggs, while smaller and sometimes a bit quirky, are just as nutritious and safe to eat as regular eggs.
Peak Egg Laying Time (6 months to 2.5 years)
This period is usually from about 6 months to 2 or 3 years of age. During these years, your hens are at their most productive. You can expect a pretty steady supply of eggs, depending on the breed, with some hens laying an egg almost every day.
Factors that could influence egg production during these prime years:
Breed: Some breeds, like Leghorns or Rhode Island Reds, are amazingly productive layers. Other breeds, particularly those that lay colored eggs, are less productive.
Nutrition: A well-fed hen is a productive hen. They need a balanced diet, rich in protein and calcium, to keep up with the demands of frequent egg-laying. Skimp on their nutrition, and you’ll see a drop in egg production. A nice layer feed is all you need, but you can also supplement their calcium by feeding crushed eggshells back to them.
Lighting: Chickens are sensitive to light when it comes to laying eggs. Ideally, they need about 14-16 hours of light a day to stay in peak laying condition. This is why egg production can dip or completely stop in the shorter days of winter.
So, during these prime egg-laying years, it’s all about creating the best conditions for your hens. Do this, and you’ll be rewarded with plenty of fresh eggs.
The slowdown
After those golden years of peak production, you’ll start noticing a decline in how many eggs your hens are laying. It’s a natural part of their lifecycle, kind of like how humans slow down a bit as they get older.
This decline in egg production is guaranteed, regardless of how well you cared for them.
Other egg changes you’ll notice as your hens age:
- Larger eggs
- More double yolk
- Slower production (such as every other day instead of every day)
- Long pauses (a week with no eggs at all, then a return to laying)
So, don’t be disheartened when your flock starts moving past their egg-laying prime. It’s a natural process.
Now for the hard part. You may be paying more to feed your hens than the value of the eggs you’re getting. Some homesteaders and most commercial hatcheries will cut their flock at this point. They will start new. This is personal and it’s up to you.
Some can keep going at a slower pace until they’re 5 or 6. But, there comes a time when they’ll stop laying altogether.
These older ladies still play a role in your flock. They can be great at teaching the younger hens the ropes, showing them where to find food and how to roost properly. Plus, they often still contribute to the flock’s pecking order, helping to maintain harmony.
Caring for your retired hens requires a bit of a shift in mindset. They no longer need high-protein, high-calcium laying feed. Instead, focus on maintaining their health and comfort.
Managing and Rotating Your Flock
So if chicken’s don’t lay their entire life, how can you make sure you always hve a steady supply of eggs? You have to have a flock made up of different ages.
Buy New Chicks
This is easier said than done. First off, it’s key to introduce new layers at the right time. You don’t want to wait until your older hens have completely stopped laying to bring in new recruits. A good rule of thumb is to add new hens to your flock every year or two. This way, you’ll always have some hens in their prime laying years. It keeps the egg basket full and prevents any sudden drop in production.
But, bringing in new hens isn’t just about plopping them into the coop one fine morning. Chickens have a social hierarchy, and you need to integrate newcomers carefully. You can start by keeping them in a separate area within the coop or run. This way, they can see and interact with the older hens without any face-to-face confrontations. Gradually, they’ll get used to each other, and you can fully integrate them into the flock.
Hatching Your Own Chicks
You can also allow your hens to hatch their chicks and raise them. This requires keeping a rooster (tricky), and picking hens that are good mothers. This also means you’ll have 50% roosters, which you need to butcher for meat or otherwise dispose of. And that means you’ll want a dual-purpose breed, none of which are ideal for egg laying. The devil is in the details.
Disposing of Unproductive Hens
Now, about phasing out older hens. This can be a bit tricky, especially if you’ve grown fond of your feathered friends. The decision to phase out older hens often depends on your goals and space. But, if you’re more into keeping chickens as pets, you might let them live out their golden years in your flock. It’s totally your call.
Think of it as a natural cycle, part of the ebb and flow of life in your backyard coop. With a bit of planning and a lot of care, you can keep the eggs coming.
How We Do it
Every year we order about 15 chicks. We free range and supplement with table scraps to keep feed costs as low as possible. This also means our hens have naturally shorter lifespans as they are picked off by prey. We may be feeding some that are no longer laying but we. don’t care. We just let nature take its course.
For more on planning your flock:
There’s so much to learn about getting your farm-fresh eggs. But it’s a fun topic!
- A look at some of the best backyard chicken breeds
- Keep track of egg production with this printable tracker.
- Learn more about your backyard chickens’ daily life with this guide.
- Here’s an Informative Step-by-Step Guide on How to Hatch Chicken Eggs in an Incubator.
- Looking for a feathered companion? These are the friendliest chickens.
Remember, each hen is an individual, and their laying patterns can vary. It’s important to approach chicken keeping with patience and a willingness to learn.
For those of you planning your flock, remember the value of diversity. Regularly introduce new layers. Care for older hens to ensure a healthy, productive, and happy backyard flock.