too many cucumbers?

make dill pickle relish!  can it and enjoy all year long.

simple ingredients:

cucumbers, onions, dilll, a jalapeno, sugar, and turmeric

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prep for canning

heat the jars and the lids (the oven is fine!)

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chop the cukes in the food processor

heat the jars and the lids (the oven is fine!)

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add the salt, turmeric, and water

heat the jars and the lids (the oven is fine!)

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then rinse and drain

heat the jars and the lids (the oven is fine!)

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add the onions and flavoring

heat the jars  fine!)

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bring  to a boil

the color will change as it simmers

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process for 10 minutes

the jars will cool as they seal

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grab this free pretty recipe printable!

tap heart for the full recipe

visit me at my blog for more canning, old fashioned desserts, breads, and more