Apple cider soap


A balanced, moisturizing formula.

Why you'll  love it?

Natural color.

Fun and festive way to enjoy the autumn season.

Everyday ingredients!

To make apple cider slushy, freeze it for a few hours. The sugars in the cider can react with the lye and freezing it ahead of time prevents any trouble.

Freeze the cider

Using a digital scale, measure out the lye, oils, and butter.

measure the oils and lye

Add the lye to the partially frozen cider and stir until completely blended. It will melt, heat up, and may change color. Set it in a safe place.

mix the lye and cider

Melt them over low heat until they are completely melted. Heated to 140 degrees.

Measure the oils and butter.

Gently smooth out the top. Place it in a room where it will stay at room temperature so the soap can cure.

Pour your soap mix into a mold

Take it out of the mold after 24 hours and cut it into bars. Let the soap cure for 2 weeks before using it.

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