7 Charming Chickens That Lay Colored Eggs
Here are the breeds of chickens that lay colored eggs… so your kitchen can be full of eggs that are fresh, delicious, and beautiful!

Why are some chicken’s eggs blue or green or brown instead of white?
One simple reason: it is in their genetics to lay eggs of that color. It is not because of their diet, or living conditions, or anything else that people may wonder. It’s just the way they are.
Bumps or speckles on eggs can be caused by excess calcium or a change in diet, but colored shells are not.

So what is the advantage of choosing a chickens that lay colored eggs?
Well… there’s really none, besides the fact that they are beautiful!
In fact, most of these breeds are more expensive than “regular” brown or white egg laying hens. Additionally, many of them lay fewer eggs and eat more food than some of the very practical egg-laying chickens.
However, if you are selling your eggs, a blend of colored ones will fetch a very high price compared to all white or all brown. I have seen them listed for as much as 8 dollars per dozen in one of our local markets.
But if you aren’t selling them, you would choose them just for the love of color.
Orpingtons and Wyandottes for soft brown eggs

Orpingtons, especially the Buff Orpington, pictured above, are some the very best breeds for home chicken keepers. They lay soft brown eggs that are much more beautiful than the cheap white ones available at the grocery store.
Brown eggs are the most common color of egg from a backyard chicken. Some of the most popular breeds: Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Wyandotte’s, and many more will lay brown eggs.
So even though they aren’t exactly colored eggs, we will include them on our list because they are an excellent all-around breed and brown eggs are still relatively exciting!
Easter Eggers for blue-green eggs
The most common colored egg layer is the Easter Egger. They have a charming name and are inexpensive to buy. But beware, the Easter Egger is not an official breed. They are a chicken “mutt”. If you don’t want chickens for show and aren’t breeding them on your own, this might not matter to you one bit.
Just keep in mind that the eggs of an Easter Egger chicken can very widely from olive green to aqua to a truer blue. So if you have your heart set on a specific color, they might not be the best choice.
Olive eggers for olive green eggs

Olive eggers are just like Easter Eggers in the sense that they are chicken mutts, but their eggs are green. They are a cross between any brown egg layer and any blue egg layer.
Their green eggs can range from brownish olive to more of a true green.
They are a beautiful addition to your flock if you are looking for just a few more chicks to round out your order.
White leghorns for white eggs

Now, I know this list is about chicken that lay colored eggs, but don’t forget the value of white eggs. White Leghorns lay large, beautiful white eggs, and they are good layers.
Having white eggs mixed in with brown and colored eggs looks beautiful and helps the colors blend together nicely. If you want the most beautiful and appealing mix of colors in your egg basket, add some white egg layers to your flock.
Ameracaunas and Cream Legbars for blue eggs
Now it gets exciting! If you want eggs that are a true, beautiful blue, then you’ll definitely want some of these hens in your flock.
They are a bit more expensive than Easter Eggers, but you are guaranteed a bluer color.

Welsummers and Marans for chocolate brown eggs
I don’t have either of these varieties in my flock, but I have in the past. Their eggs are a much deeper brown than what you. think of a traditional “brown” egg, almost chocolate-like. They are just beautiful, especially in a carton mixed with white and blue.
Let’s review!

Blue eggs come from Ameracaunas, Cream Legbars, and some Easter Eggers
Brown eggs come from Orpingtons, Wyandotte’s, Barred Rocks, and many other popular home chicken breeds.
Green eggs from Olive Eggers and some Easter Eggers
Ready for some chickens of your own?

- I highly recommend reading up on the basics of chicken keeping before you order any chicks! There are many excellent books you can read on Kindle Unlimited through Amazon. You can sign up here for access to dozens of great homesteading books for a monthly fee.
- When you’re looking for a hatchery, do your research and find a reputable one with a good selection of breeds. The more local it is to you, the better!
- Make sure you have a lot of recipes up your sleeve for baking with a lot of eggs!
Happy egg collecting!

By Katie Shaw
Katie lives in Virginia with her husband, three daughters, a chocolate lab, and over thirty chickens. She loves creating simple tutorials for sourdough, bread, and soap. Her recipes, articles, and YouTube videos reach millions of people per year.