
DIY Cast Iron Seasoning Oil {Grapeseed Oil + Beeswax}

The world of cast iron skillet care is filled with a lot of strong opinions and a lot of contradicting advice. But there is one thing everyone agrees on: you need to season a cast iron skillet with some type of oil. After this, the fighting begins. Is vegetable oil best? Do you heat it on the stovetop or the oven? And how often?

Well, there is really no wrong way to season your cast iron, as long as your pan stays non-stick and you are happy with its performance. But if you’re looking for a quick way to get beautiful seasoning on your pan, try this method.

cast iron skillet with with mason jar of seasoning oil

❤️ Why you’ll love this recipe

  • It’s super simple and you can make it in the microwave.
  • It’s affordable: buying both of these oils will yield years and years worth of seasoning.
  • It really WORKS!

Why are we oiling pans exactly?

It’s weird, right?

Well, we love cooking with cast iron because it gets super hot and retains that heat, allowing you to sear your food at high temperatures for a great crust and color. It’s also tough, so you don’t have to worry about chipping it or scratching it.

But iron, of course, loves to rust. Any water is its enemy. And it doesn’t have a perfectly smooth surface.

Seasoning takes care of those problems. When a fat is added to the cast iron and heated enough, it forms a bond. A bond that’s non-stick, smooth and protective.

But what oil is best?

Technically, any oil will work. But the most important consideration is the oil’s smoke point. Let’s take a look at some popular choices and look at the pros and cons

Vegetable OilCheap, easy to find, easy to applyforms a weak bond and can leave a sticky film if you apply too much
Shorteningbonds nicely with cast iron pan and the price is rightneeds to be applied frequently since it’s not as strong as other methods
Coconut Oilaccessible, inexpensive, bonds nicely with cast iron panneeds to be applied frequently since it’s not as strong as other methods
Grapeseed Oilhigh smoke point, more affordable than the last two oilsmore expensive than vegetable
Beeswaxbonds nicely to panawkward to get on the pan, not available in most stores, expensive
Flaxseed Oilbonds very wellvery expensive

A successful oil blend

To be clear, you can absolutely use any of the oils above and cook with cast iron successfully! You’ll find that with some you’ll need to season more frequently and some will last longer. It’s just personal preference.

But if you’re willing to take a few minutes to combine two of the best oils, you’ll get a blend that’s truly perfect for cast iron seasoning.

It’s solid at room temperature and looks cute in a small tin by the stovetop. And it only takes a minute to mix up!

Let’s make some, shall we?

(If you absolutely do not feel like making this, I get it. My second choice of seasoning oil is plain old SHORTENING. It does a great job, you’ll just need to season it a bit more often.)

This is an overview of the ingredients. You’ll find the full measurements and instructions in the printable recipe at the bottom of the page.

bag of beeswax pellets and bottle of grapeseed oil on blue surface

That’s it! We get the advantages of beeswax but only need a little bit, which keeps this oil blend affordable.

The grapeseed oil is comparable in price to a medium-grade olive oil. If you can’t find it in stores, you can easily get it online.

For beeswax, you will have an easier time working with it if you buy the pellets: they melt faster and are easier to measure. (Trying to cut 20 grams off of a bar of beeswax is harder than you’d think.)

  • A kitchen scale (helpful but not essential)
  • A glass jar (at least 4 ounces)
  • Paper towels that aren’t too fuzzy


4 images- beeswax and grapeseed oil, melted oils, hand wiping oil onto cast iron, empty cast iron skillet in oven

This is easy as can be. I highly recommend measuring the oils and melting this right in a mason jar that you will use for storage. This recipe will fit right into a four ounce jar (one of the many great uses for mason jars!).

If you’re using a scale, simply measure the oil and beeswax right into the jar, zeroing out your scale in between.

To melt the oils, put them in the microwave on low or medium power for thirty seconds. Stir when the time goes off, and keep heating until the beeswax is fulling melted.

Safety note: beeswax is very flammable and you can’t let it get too hot. And be careful removing the jar from the microwave: even though the glass won’t be hot, the oil inside will be!

Once it’s thoroughly melted, put a lid on it and let it cool. It will be soft but solid at room temperature, like shortening.

small glass jar of homemade cast iron seasoning

The seasoning process

First, make sure your pan is clean and dry.

A new, unseasoned pan (or an old one you’ve stripped)

Most modern pans come pre-seasoned. If yours doesn’t, rub it with the oil of your choice, using a non-fuzzy paper towel. Wipe out any excess oil until it until it looks almost dry, and place the pan upside down in a 450 degree oven for 1 hour. (Make sure you coat the handles and the back.) Repeat twice.

The seasoning will continue to build up over time, so cook with plenty of fat on low heat for a few weeks. It will get there.

Touch up seasoning

Easy! After you’ve cooked, scrub out the pan with a brush and hot water. Towel dry it, then put it on the stovetop and heat it to get it really dry. Lightly rub it with your favorite oil, heat it briefly just until the oil smokes, and let it cool.

🥫 Storage instructions

Store this at room temperature near your stove top so you really use it!

👩🏻‍🍳 Expert tips

  • Clean your cast iron with hot water and a scrub brush. Avoid dish soap. It’s not the end of the world if you have to use it, but over time it will break down the seasoning faster.
  • Cast iron cookware has to stay dry. Even the most well-seasoned pans will rust if they stay wet. So after every use, towel dry your pans and take an extra minute to heat them on the stove to make sure they are completely dry.
  • Cook with cast iron often and don’t be afraid of it. If you cook something acidic in it, no big deal. Just scrub and season.
  • Use common sense when it comes to seasoning cast iron. If your pan looks dry or is sticking, season it!

🔍 FAQs

Is there an alternative to the beeswax?

Soy wax should work but I haven’t personally tried it.

What if my pan is sticky after I season it?

You probably used too much oil. Scrub it out with soap (just this once!), and season it again, being sure to buff off most of the oil.

What if I don’t want to make my own blend?

Just use shortening! It works great!

📖 Here’s the recipe

cast iron skillet with mason jar of homemade seasoning oil
4.80 from 5 votes

Homemade Cast Iron Seasoning Oil

Print Recipe
A simple blend of grapeseed oil and beeswax for a budget friendly way to make those cast iron skillets shine.
Prep Time:10 minutes
Total Time:10 minutes
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  • storage jar



  • Combine the beeswax and grapeseed oil in a microwave safe container and stir. (It is easiest to use a mason jar that you will also store the oil in.)
  • Heat in the microwave on LOW in 30 second intervals, stirring in between, until the beeswax in melted.
  • Pour the oil into a storage jar and cover. It will solidify as it cools.
  • Apply to clean cast iron cookware as needed. Wipe out excess and heat to smoking to season surfaces.


Be very careful heating beeswax; it is very flammable and must be watched carefully.
If you are using a pan to melt the beeswax, you will need to wash it out immediately.  Once the beeswax starts to harden it is difficult to remove.
Only use a thin layer to season your cookware.  
Keyword: beeswax for cast iron, cast iron seasoning oil, grapeseed oil for cast iron
Servings: 4 ounces
Author: Katie Shaw
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picture of smiling female

By Katie Shaw

Katie lives in Virginia with her husband, three daughters, a chocolate lab, and over thirty chickens. She loves creating simple tutorials for sourdough, bread, and soap. Her recipes, articles, and YouTube videos reach millions of people per year.

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  1. Instead of using a microwave, how about slowly heating in a water bath in a slow cooker? That’s how I un-crystalize my honey.

    Do you think this would work well as a spoon butter to protect wooden utensils and cutting boards?

    Thanks for the great recipe!

  2. Hi. I’m VERY interested in making this recipe and will once my beeswax pellets come in from Amazon in 2 days. I know that beeswax doesn’t expire or go bad but I was just wondering if this mix goes bad because of the grapeseed oil and do I need to use it up in a certain amount of time or can I keep it by the stove “forever” to use as I please for years to come?

    1. Hi jeremi, so I know grapeseed. oil has a shorter shelf life. but i’ve had jars of this that have taken me 2 years to get through with no issues. i think since you aren’t eating the. oil (Exccept in tiny amount) it’s no problem

      1. Thanks a lot for the reply Katie! I was just wondering if I needed to hurry up and oil everything I had every single time that I used it to get rid of it or would it be cool to sit on the counter by the stove for a year or 2 until I use it all up. I guess I’ll try to keep smelling it to see if it goes rancid or something. Lol Going to make me a batch of it today though!

    1. 5 stars
      no scooping, just lightly dab the seasoning paste. Little goes a long way. after applying( should look shinny, somewhat wet without pooling or excess amount) then wipe it down where the wet look is gone. put in oven for 1hr 15 min at 475-500 degrees. thats it , done!!! it’s easy..good luck

  3. 5 stars
    Excellent recipe. It works well on a warmed up bare cast iron cookware. Do not attempt to apply on a cold cast iron. You’ll end up using more than what is necessary. THANK YOU Katie.

  4. This recipe calls for more oil and less beeswax. From the photo of the finished product it seemed soft and like a thick paste. Therefore, this needs a rag to be applied to surfaces. Am I correct? Thank you for sharing this recipe.

      1. 5 stars
        I already made this today using your recipe but I used 1/2 grape seed and 1/2 sunflower because I have sunflower oil to make it a lot closer to Field’s seasoning oil. All I can say is THIS is an EXCELLENT recipe and my pans looked great after 4 seasoning cycles on my oven. I followed Stephen Muscarella’s tips (preheat to 300°F, wipe off oil some more and increase oven temp to 400°F for final stage about 30 to 60minutes). My pans are way better now. My kitchen is not billowing smoke. Martha Stewart’s tips from 7 yrs ago is meeeh! It made my oven’s glass window matte brown with polymerized oil and I have to spend more elbow grease to clean my oven’s window. I was new to CI back then. Anyway, 2 thumbs up for this recipe. THANK YOU for sharing. Saved me thousands of pesos from ordering a crisbee or Field’s seasoning oil.

      2. awesome! so happy you had success. i love martha stewart’s style but i find her recipes for food and anything else kind of boring and bad, like she never actually made them

  5. Your statement regarding flax seed oil having a high smoke point is incorrect. It has a very low smoke point, 225ºF. Grape seed oil has a smoke point of 420ºF and Avocado oil has one of the highest at 520ºF. Of all the articles I have read by experts on the topic, no one has mentioned beeswax, so that component is suspect.

      1. Flaxseeed oil has a low smoke point and tends to flake off in my experience. Believe me I have looked into this and also experimented with many hours using different oils in the oven. This is a chart supplied by Lodge on smoke points: Flaxseed is way down on the list of temps. https://www.lodgecastiron.com/cleaning-and-care/cast-iron/oils-cast-iron-cooking-and-seasoning. You are 100% correct though in combing grapeseed oil and beeswax. Avocado oil can also be substituted in for some of the grapeseed oil even though one can not reach the high smoke point in a typical oven.. but to be honest I suspect the grapeseed oil is the star in the equation.

    1. 4 stars
      I hear good things about Buzzy wax and Crusbee waxes for cast iron. They are oils mixed with beeswax and are outrageously expensive. I bought Crisbee and it seems to work great but I will probably go. back to grape seed oil.

  6. 5 stars
    This stuff is great for seasoning pans, but It has many more uses. It works as a lip balm. I used it on the bottom of a measuring cup when pressing rice krispy bars into a pan. I’ve also used it to grease and flour the baking pan when baking a cake. I’m sure I will find more uses for it as I go on.

  7. It seems the more I use my cast iron the better it gets even without special seasoning. Wish I could go back and learn so many things from my grandmother, one thing being how she cared for her cast iron.

    1. After initial seasoning, I just cook bacon in it often. Don’t wash it out just wipe it. My cast iron stays very well seasoned.

      Another part of the problem with new cast iron is it still has the sand casting grain in the bottom. Over time it will wear smooth, and you’ll find it becomes much more non stick and easier to keep seasoned. I cheat if I have to get a new pan and sand the bottom smooth, but I use an orbital sander, not something I would recommend to do by hand unless you enjoy tedious work.