9 Old-Fashioned Cutting Flowers with Vintage Charm
Inside: all the best old-fashioned cutting flowers that you should grow in your garden, both warm- and cool-season flowers to beautify your home.
Everyone understands vegetable gardening. Even if they don’t like it, at least they get it. It saves money, you grow things you can eat, and homegrown tomatoes are delicious.

But starting and growing a cut flower garden? So many people just don’t understand it. Isn’t that a waste of space? Can’t you buy some fake flowers at the craft store? What about the pollen? “You can’t eat flowers, you know!”
And while many people are familiar with sunflowers, zinnias, and other cutting flowers that are good for beginners, if you are looking for something a little different, pick one of these classics that you would have found in grandma’s backyard. For local gardening advice, use this website to find help for your local area.
Stock, A Cool-season Champ
For whatever reason, stock has fallen out of favor with modern gardeners, and what a shame. It is beautiful, comes in many colors, and most of all, has a unique fragrance. It’s often described as “spicy”, which doesn’t quite capture it. But it’s definitely unlike the sweetness of many flowers. It flourishes in cool weather and will survive a light frost. If you want flowers before anyone else on your street, try starting stock plants in the fall and covering them over the winter. They will come to life early in the spring and bloom while the weather is still cool.
Sweet Williams For Long-lasting Fragrance
Sweet Williams, also known as dianthus or “pinks,” have a rather plain appearance but more than make up for it with a sweet fragrance. It is not overpowering like some roses. They make ideal cut flowers because they have long, strong stems. They also last a very long time in the vase, up to two weeks. If you like a simple look, they are beautiful by themselves in a small bouquet. They also make great filler flowers if you want to add them to showier blooms like dahlias or sunflowers.
Strawflowers For Year-long Beauty
As cheap, imported decorations became available, things like dried flowers fell out of favor. Why go through all that trouble when you can pick something up at Target and stick it on your mantle? Well. We can certainly do better than that. Strawflowers are easy to grow, easy to dry, and come in the most beautiful summery colors that are perfect for fall as well. To dry them, simply cut a bouquet and hang it upside down. They will retain their bright color for up to a year.
Scabiosa For The Bees And Butterflies
Scabiosa, a.k.a. the pincushion flower, is another fairly simple flower. It has long stems perfect for cutting, and it’s a great filler flower in mixed bouquets.
One of the most special things about it is its ability to attract pollinators, especially butterflies. And unlike a lot of the flowers on this list, it will do well even in the heat of summer, drawing butterflies to your cutting garden all season long. The plants are tall and bushy, with long stems that sometimes droop a bit. The more you cut, the more blooms you’ll get.
Sweet Peas For Beauty And Fragrance
Another cool season favorite, sweet peas will be ready for cutting before almost anything else in the cutting garden. And the fragrance is absolutely amazing, unlike any other flower. Sweet peas do not do well in hot weather, so start them as early as you can. If you live in an area with cool summers, they are likely to bloom all through the summer for you! The plants look like pea vegetable plants and need support. They come in all shades of pink, red, and purple, but since they bloom so early in the season, pastel shades are especially appealing.
Daisies For Classic Beauty
There’s nothing sweeter than a daisy! They appeal to everyone, especially children, and once they are established, they will come back every year. They are a great flower to fill the lull in between cool season flowers and later bloomers like sunflowers and zinnia. Best of all, they make new plants easily and will spread. Shasta daisies are the classic that is pictured here, but there are actually many kinds. If you have a friend who grows them, ask if you can have some of their plants. They should be divided every few years, which means they will eventually have some to give away.
Bachelor’s Button For Any Growing Conditions
Bachelor’s Buttons, a.k.a cornflower, is cute, but the absolute best thing about it is that it will grow anywhere. It grows in clay soil, in dry conditions, in full sun and part sun. It will often reseed itself as well, and come back year after year.
You will find it covered with pollinators in the spring since it blooms so early.
Bachelor’s Buttons bloom on long, strong stems that make them perfect for cutting. They dry easily but unfortunately, they lose their beautiful blue color as they dry, turning white.
Snapdragons For Charm
Snapdragons are another cool-season old-fashioned flower that can grow straight through the winter in some warm climates. It’s best to set them out very early in the season so they have time to bloom before the heat of summer sets in. Even if they fade away in midsummer, try cutting them back to see if they re-bloom in the fall. They come in every color imaginable, too. You can certainly find one that will work in your garden. Be careful, as dwarf varieties have become popular lately, and they won’t do as well as cutting flowers as the longer types.
Finally, we have the Hollyhock. Unlike most of the flowers listed, it is a perennial, meaning the same plant will come back year after year. It’s the epitome of old-fashioned charm and looks beautiful against a fence. Hollyhock comes in many colors, especially pinks and reds, and grows very tall with very big flowers. It can overpower a mixed bouquet, but cut just a few stems and you have an arrangement ready to go.
If you’re just starting out, I’d recommend beginning with daisies or bachelor’s buttons. They’re both pretty hardy, low-maintenance, and grow well in various conditions. Plus, they bloom on long stems, making them perfect for cutting and arranging.
You’ll want to plant cool-season flowers early in the spring, as soon as the ground can be worked. For a head start, you can even plant them in the fall and cover them over the winter. That way, they’ll be ready to bloom as soon as the weather warms up.
It’s super easy! Just cut the strawflowers when they’re in full bloom, tie them in small bundles, and hang them upside down in a dry, dark place. They’ll keep their bright colors and last up to a year.
Not at all! Even if you have a small garden or just some pots, you can still grow a lovely selection of cutting flowers. Plants like sweet peas can be grown vertically, and others like daisies don’t take up much room but still provide plenty of blooms.
Some of these flowers, like hollyhocks and daisies, are perennials, meaning they’ll come back every year. Others, like snapdragons and sweet peas, are annuals, so you’ll need to replant them each year. But the good news is, they often reseed themselves, so you might see them popping up again without any extra effort on your part!
A simple trick is to cut the stems at an angle and place them in fresh, clean water as soon as you bring them inside. Keep the vase out of direct sunlight and change the water every couple of days. Sweet Williams, for example, can last up to two weeks this way!
Garden Snapdragon – Maximum Mix – 7,500 Seeds – Mixed Colors, Heirloom Non-GMO USA Grown, Excellent for Pollinators, Annual – Vibrant Flowers for Any Home GardenPremium garden shears, meperez pruning scissors gardening tools, pruners for flower, bushes, rose and fruit tree, use for florist, yard and orchard the plant clippers, sharp white steel anvil snips, 2Scabiosa Zinnia Seeds – Flower Seed Mix – Packet – Pink/Purple/Red Flower Seeds, Open Pollinated Seed Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Hummingbirds, Attracts PollinatorsGrow and Gather: A gardener’s guide to a year of cut flowersCool Flowers: How to Grow and Enjoy Long-Blooming Hardy Annual Flowers Using Cool Weather TechniquesGrowing Flowers: Everything You Need to Know About Planting, Tending, Harvesting and Arranging Beautiful Blooms (Flower Gardening for Beginners)
Everyone Needs Homegrown Flowers
While nothing on this list is edible, that’s okay. While a tomato might feed the body, cutting flowers feeds the soul.
The first time you place some of these flowers in a mason jar and put it on your kitchen windowsill, you’ll understand.

By Katie Shaw
Katie lives in Virginia with her husband, three daughters, a chocolate lab, and over thirty chickens. She loves creating simple tutorials for sourdough, bread, and soap. Her recipes, articles, and YouTube videos reach millions of people per year.