Why Should You Make Your Own Soap?

Store-bought soap is cheap and gets you clean. It comes in fun fragrances, has lots of bubbles, and the packaging is pretty. So why on earth would you deal with making your own? Especially when everyone talks about how dangerous it is? Let’s discuss the many reasons you should try soap making… and a few reasons why you shouldn’t.

The most common reasons for making something at home that can be easily purchased are:

  1. Save money
  2. Get a superior product
  3. Have fun

Let’s attack these one at a time and see how soap-making stacks up.

Does making soap save you money?

Well, it depends. (How helpful.). A bar of Irish Spring is one dollar at Walmart. Even fancy Dove soap is about $3 a bar. Not so bad, right?

Homemade soap, in contrast, is about $7 per loaf to make. This accounts for the cost of the oils and lye needed. This can vary wildly, but I calculated the cost of one of my favorite recipes, which includes a good amount of more expensive oils and butters. To add fragrance and color, add about a dollar per loaf. This will make 8 good sized bars. So less than a dollar per bar. Interesting. (You can make something really basic like homemade dish bars for a few cents a bar.)

However, you can’t buy supplies for one loaf. The oils have to be purchased in relatively large amounts, a few pounds at least. You will also need a stick blender, a digital food scale, and a mold, at the bare minimum. These tools will be between $50-$100 all together. Let’s spread the cost over a few batches and say that the price between homemade soap with nice oils and store-bought Ivory Spring is exactly the same.

(I am not going to calculate *the hourly wage you could make* if you weren’t making soap because that makes zero sense and I hate when articles do that. Moving on.)

Conclusion: making nice soap is the same cost as buying cheap soap at the store. Making basic soap is cheaper than buying it.

Is homemade soap a superior product to store bought?

Now for the fun part. First of all, what you are buying at the store is probably not soap. Like how Kraft Singles are pasteurized cheese product… Dove is a beauty bar. Real soap is the result of lye and oil. That is the definition. If it doesn’t say soap on the package, it is likely a detergent bar.

This means it has things in it to mimic “soapyness”, like lathering agents and surfactants (these simply reduce the surface tension of water). Add in some fragrance and you are wet, smell good and are clean. It still works. But its not soap. It’s like a mild laundry detergent in bar form.

(Body wash is the same idea just liquified and insanely priced.)

So why should you care and why is homemade soap better than a detergent bar?

Well when real soap is formed by combining lye and oil, one natural byproduct is glycerine, a natural moisturizing compound. It is a major ingredient in commercial lotions. But it is not found in store-bought bars. They will be happy to sell it you separately though! We have very rarely needed body lotion since using homemade soap, and many people have that experience as well.

I am not going to get hysterical over the chemicals in store-bought bars and body wash.
(I mean, lye is a chemical that can literally blind you, so…), but if you are concerned about that type of thing… homemade soap allows you to control it. You can research the fragrances and colors you are comfortable with, you can leave them out, you can search for organic oils. It is entirely in your control.

Conclusion: homemade soap is a superior product to store bought detergent bars.

Is soap making fun?

Well, I think so! If you like baking, you will LOVE soap making. They are very similar in my mind. You start with a basic recipe and can customize the color, design, and fragrance. As you get more comfortable you can tweak recipes and then develop your own from scratch. Best of all, you have a practical product at the end that you can either use yourself or give as a gift.

So designing a soap is fun. The actual making of it… not as fun. (But I still like it.). You have to be very precise, weigh your ingredients exactly, and you have to be VERY careful. At many stages of the process you could injure yourself or someone else if you aren’t paying attention.

Of course there is nothing like the pride and satisfaction you get at the end of a project. And unlike sewing, it can’t hang over your head for weeks. You mix up your batter, it sets overnight, and in the morning you cut your bars and you are done. The sense of accomplishment from soap making is high, and that is fun. If you enjoy the idea of old fashioned homemaking skills, you will love it.

Conclusion: soap making is fun for certain people.

Why should you not make your own soap?

If you are in dire financial straits, do not take up soap making as a way to save money. The upfront costs of the tools are a real consideration. It is still cheaper (short term) to buy the world’s cheapest soap.

People with small children who do not nap should not attempt to make soap. If you leave a glass of lye water to cool and don’t put it up high enough, it can be knocked over and blind or severely burn a child. If you are distracted, stressed out, or in a hurry, things will start to go wrong. When things go wrong while you are making soap, you can easily ruin the batch or hurt yourself.

If you like to make up things as you go and get crazy in the kitchen (I do not understand this), you probably won’t enjoy soap making. You need to follow the recipe exactly, even if it’s one you created yourself. Creating one yourself involves math and research. (Just a little!). So if that all sounds horrible to you, I totally understand.

If you want the fun without the scare, you can try melt and pour soap, where you add color and fragrance to pre-made soap bases and re-pour it into molds (Bonus: these are usually clear and allow for really fun designs.)

If you’ve determined that soapmaking is not for you, try making homemade lotion. There is no lye involved and it goes much faster!

So what do you think? Will you be trying soap making? If you are ready to get started, I have a printable mini book you can download here. It has my favorite soap recipes in a printer-friendly format.


Four tried and true soap recipes in printable format

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    picture of smiling female

    By Katie Shaw

    Katie lives in Virginia with her husband, three daughters, a chocolate lab, and over thirty chickens. She loves creating simple tutorials for sourdough, bread, and soap. Her recipes, articles, and YouTube videos reach millions of people per year.

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    1. I am trying to download the Soap Recipre Mini Book and it keeps saying “Account is cancelled and can not accept new subscribers” Is there another way to get the mini book? I inhertited a number of soap making items and would love to try my hand.

    2. The price of your soap is incredibly cheap. There is no way i can make a loaf of soap for anywere near $7. Even following your favorite recipe it would cost near or past $20. Are you buying your items in bulk?

    3. it’s saying the account is canceled and cannot accept new subscribers when I try to sign up for the mini e-book.

    4. Years ago I succumbed to the urge to give home made gifts for Christmas. This despite the fact I’m about as ham handed and uncrafty as they come. I tried soap making and found it easy and fun. As luck would have it, I was suffering through a bad case of cracked bleeding heels at the same time. And I dived into soap making full bore, ignoring suggestions to start with a basic recipe and work my way up the ladder. Nope, I started with milk and honey, with 5 oils. And it worked. Hot process first time around, so in a couple days I was trying out my new soap. And a funny thing happened, almost immediately. My cracked heels started getting better. In a week I’d almost forgotten I’d ever had a problem. Folks, this is easy, fun and the results are well worth the effort. Haven’t used any soap I didn’t make for 4 years now. And my friends and family pretty much universally loved the gifts.

    5. Just saw the recipe for cleaning coconut soap where you say ”go to this website and you will be able to find recipes using the soap but I cannot find any, do you have a straight link to them?

    6. There are many reasons to make soap at home and the one of them is chemical intoxicants free soap that we get at home. Besides that, making soap is considerably cheaper and safe to use. If interested, you can also check our handmade natural body products. Visit us @ https://www.thesoapshackbaby.com/

    7. We have a local company that makes “Artisinal” soaps and other types of personal care products. I love her soap and buy a bar whenever I need one. Yes, I am paying extra but I am supporting a local company and I can buy a different one every time if I wish. Check her out she sells on line too http://www.soapbin.com it’s Molly’s Apothecary in Medway, Massachusetts.

    8. I was going to start soap making years ago when most of my kids were small. An older friend with a large family even showed me how and set me up. Then, it was as if God stopped me. I had bought some goat milk from a friend and the jars busted in the freezer and then suddenly I couldn’t find the lye, it was as if it disappeared! My friend then encouraged me to wait a few years when I didn’t have so many little ones running around, that maybe it wasn’t the safest thing. I am at a different place now, and my oldest daughter is super interested in making soap. We have done the melt and pour and given it as gifts, maybe we are ready for the real deal now!

      1. Yes, even with the melt and pour soap one has still some customization. One can for example order on amazon melt and pour soap base with high glycerine content; then when one cuts and dices up ones melt and pour soap base into one inch cubes to melt down in the microwave heating it for thirty seconds at a time till melted; one can simply add three eight ounce cups of coconut oil to the typical three pound loaf of melt and pour soap base which has already been melted down into its liquid form. The simple addition of the steam refined coconut oil will act as a highly effective skin moisturizer and skin lotion for one’s skin; no more lotion needed ever again. The other advantage of adding the three eight ounce cups of refined coconut oil is it also dramatcally improves the rich lathering capabilities of the melt and pour soap base with the high glycerin content while also improving the hardness of the melt and pour soap base which will help ensure that the created melt and pour soap base bars last much longer overall which is going to directly save oneself money without having to use and add the typical stearic acid soap additive to make ones soap harder and longer lasting. So one can quite literally do this with any melt and pour soap base recipe to create soap bars so that it help one save money from day one and it truly makes one melt and pour soap base created soap bars quite a bit better for oneself for very little added additional money. So one can make multiple color soaps with multiple fragrances for not much more money than buying commercial soap and one knows exactly what kind of quality melt and pour soap base ingredients into ones typical melt and pour created soap bars; one can use goat milk for example; one can use honey for example, one can use olive oil for example; one can also add palm oil for example, one can also add coconut oil for example, one can also add castor oil for example; etc.

    9. This was super interesting, Katie!! And I loved the cute interruptions! I have never made soap but it does sound like a super fun activity!!

      1. Thank you Elise! I will trade you some bars for some crochet washcloths ????